DEVOPS is a combination of two words i.e. Development and Operations. It is current widely used, popular practice in IT (information technology) industry. It has proved itself to be highly successful and efficient methodology in software development and delivery. However, many often get confused with the term, “DEVOPS”, especially, “THE NEWBIES”, and think it to be some kind of new technology introduced to the arena of Information technology. NO, it ain’t a new Technology and I am damn serious. Oh! It’s unfair to smudge new comers and here’s some relief NEWIES. I have seen many people from IT get confused too! Ah, again it’s not their fault entirely. The name DEVOPS seems to confuse everybody. Even in job portals you find requirements that go like this, “NEEDED A DEVOPS ENGINEER”. I guess this triggered the confusion. So I have written this article that explains what exactly DEVOPS is. Before digging deep, let me confess I too was confused at first. At that time I was seriously in search for a Job in IT and had no idea which career to pick. A friend of mine suggested joining DEVOPS course and assured a promising career. I started inquiring but none gave me a satisfactory answer. What! What am I writing? Sorryyyyy…I am Sorry folks… I think I am diverging from the original topic. “Ahem”, well to begin with, I am a DEVOPS engineer and I intend to uncover the mask of confusion shrouding DEVOPS, which I honestly think still exists. I have tried to keep as simple as possible and hopefully even a non-technical person reading this article should understand what exactly DEVOPS is. Let’s begin.

DEVOPS is a methodology or an approach in which Stakeholders, Development team, project builders, Testers and Operations team collaborate iteratively or you can say in a continuous manner that allows any software product to be developed in less time than it used to be and with more efficiency. It empowers business model to face tough competition more effectively. In simple words it’s both beneficial to business-providers and also to the end-users. DEVOPS is a perfect ecosystem that encourages communication, collaboration, integration and automation among software developers and IT operations, improving speed and quality of the software to be delivered. It lays a perfect platform for development environments and automating delivery processes to accelerate and improve delivery predictability, efficiency, security and maintainability. This kind of environment provides developers more control on the production and a better understanding of the production infrastructure. It also encourages teams with the autonomy to build, validate, deliver and support their own applications. With DEVOPS, the existing wall between various departments is brought down.
By the way, let me very specifically point out to you all, DEVOPS is not entirely a new method that has been developed to meet the business needs. It is based on lean and agile methodology that has been successfully adopted by many companies over the years. It’s a refined approach to the latter or you can say a more evolved approach that leverages production and thereby providing more business value to the clients.
Prior to DEVOPS, the traditional software development approach involved different teams working in silos that created an environment of individual and separate systems within an organization. The funny part is all teams collectively work on the same product yet each team is functionally disparate from each other. The management system of this kind slows down the production cycle and effects deliverance. The way the organization is structured is the reason for this flaw. To understand better lets first understand typical pre-DEVOPS era of software management.
An organization is generally structured into different teams each having their own functions and responsibilities but collective responsible for product development. Knowingly or unknowingly the structure created a kind of invisible wall between teams that prevented proper co-ordination and communication. Let me explain you how.
Pre-DEVOPS era generally refers to the Waterfall model, the first model introduced as a software development process methodology. The model is very simple and in this model each phase must be completed before going to the next phase. The first beginning phase is requirement stage in which all functions are gathered for the development of the product. After the requirements stage is finished, the Architects construct the design (blue prints) keeping all the requirements in mind and from there the Developers develop code based on the finalized design. The finished code is then stored in the repository. Here is where the testing team enters the stage. The code now undergoes various testing methods employed by Test team to find out for bugs. If any discrepancies are found, it is sent back to the Development team for bug fixes. The cycle is repeated until all the bugs are fixed and the process now moves to the next stage that is called building. The build team builds the package and sent to the Deployment team to be deployed. Once deployed its now open to users and from there on the product was maintained by the Maintenance team.
During the days of Waterfall model’s usage for development, the applications were simple without uncertain requirements and hence the model proved to be successful but as need for more complex application grew this model was unable to handle the pressure. It became extremely difficult to handle object oriented projects. As long as customer interaction with the application was limited, Waterfall model worked fine but as interactions grew the requirements became unpredictable and Waterfall model proved to be inefficient. As more and more updates were required to be made to the application on regular basis, the need for new methodology that could develop, test, fix and update the product in shorter period of time, over and over repeatedly to keep end-users engaged to the product became a primary requisite. This desperate need pushed us to adopt a new method called Agile. With the advent of Agile methodology the one after another (sequential) phase of development gradually went extinct and introduced a continuous development and testing environment which is also called iterative development environment. The iterative culture is achieved by breaking code development into smaller chunks and the chunks are sent to the Test team on regular basis. In this way the final product is quickly reached to the users. The users now have frequent opportunities to look at the product and recommend necessary changes. Since the code is divided into smaller chunks, tested and released, to make changes in wherever necessary became easy. The process was quicker and keeps a continuous engagement with the clients. Agile methodology in strict sense is not actually a methodology but a culture that brought collaboration and proper communication between Developers and Testers. I would prefer calling, Agile a new working culture rather than terming it as a new methodology.
However there are disadvantages in Agile culture too.
Software deliverables to a certain size is fine but as size of an application goes on increasing, it becomes difficult to assess the effort required at the beginning of the software development life cycle.
There is lack of emphasis on necessary designing and documentation.
The Agile culture depends on continuous feedback of users.
The project can easily get taken off track if the customer representative is not clear what final outcome that they want.
Only senior programmers are capable of taking the kind of decisions required during the development process. Hence it has no place for newbie programmers, unless combined with experienced resources.
The solution to the above problems is a new Software development method that could focus on communication, integration, and collaboration among all IT professionals of all departments to enables rapid deployment of products. The agile culture only addressed the gap between the customer and the product but failed to address the gap that existed between the development team and Operations team. As we all know it’s the Ops team that deploys the product in real time environment. The Developers deploy in a limited hardware environment and network for quick reviews and hence real-time problems are a kind of overlooked. The Operation team takes account of uptime and downtime of the servers and many other real-time hardware and network parameters as well. They come across many problems which the Developers team fails to visualize. Here the blame game between the Developers and Operation team starts, crippling the production to a certain extent. So in-order to solve the problem we need a new methodology or culture that could somehow hold Agile culture of keeping users engaged and also somehow establish collaboration among Developers and Operations. This is where DEVOPS makes a grand entrance.
DEVOPS also like Agile is a culture that obeys the principles of Agile and also promoting collaboration between Development and Operations Team. This allows deploying code to the production faster and in an automated way. It improves organization’s speed of delivering application and services. It can be defined as a balanced alignment of development and IT operations.
Things you need to know about DevOps Online Training
The demand for DevOps developer has increased quite a lot in today’s time. And if you want to be a part of such career then brush up yourself with some efficient training. The focus of DevOps training is to make sure that you get yourself well aware of some great tips and tricks that can make you a capable person. Such type of training drives the IT team to improve the collaboration between the developers, pros and the QA team. There are also the security people and the tech leaders who can learn the concept of DevOps since IT is slowly shifting to this part.
Pre-requisites of Dev-ops
The idea of Dev-Ops is to create a friendly environment without any obstruction. There are different tools which are used in Dev-Ops i.e. Ansible, Salt, Chef, Puppet these are some solutions for development of software according to the needs of the Industry. Puppet the tool use to solve the consistency in servers which is called as configuration. management. In general we can make changes and modify them which have some in compatibilities through configuration management. To Understand Dev-ops one must know Basics of Linux Scripting, Basics of Core Java. It will be very beneficial if you know any programming language like Ruby, Java, or C to start with Dev-ops.
Typically there are few pre-requisites listed below which are required in Dev-ops:
Basic Understanding of Linux/Unix System Concepts
Familiarity with command line interface i.e. CLI
Familiarity with text editor
Experience with managing systems/Applications/Infrastructure or with deployments/automation.
Basic knowledge of the tools
To be a Dev-Ops engineer will give not only edge and good hands on experience with linux command line which have done operations like setting up server or software and exposure to public and private domain of Cloud.
As a Dev-Ops professional you have to constantly know all the processes and typically build and deploy workflow so that there would be less human intervention which leads to less chances of error in any kind of environment Development, Build, QA, SIT and Prod. The Pre-requisites or the essentials are important because without knowing that you would not be able to apply that day in and day out activities. As in organization you will closely work with development team and operations team that all functions or environment are working properly without any flaw. The team work closely with a shared responsibility in continuous delivery, automated deploys and configuration management.
In the section we have Development team in i) Code ii) Plan iii) Build iv) Test and Operations team will i)Release ii) Deploy iii)Operate iv) Monitor. There are some tools through which we leverage and ease configuration management in our IT infrastructure. Just to add it is one of the most searched buzzword in 2018.The team work closely to identify the problem and fix them quickly so as retain customer credibility. There are lots of changes which are going in software which you can make by learning Dev-Ops. The offering of high packages and good exposure in different environment. The development team and operations team are in focus in capturing new data and initiating new processes in this competitive environment. The main purpose of Dev-Ops is to create systematic and friendly environment to work seamlessly within the organizations without any difficulty. So it is easy to say but hard to deliver that in today’s scenario Dev-Ops is good option for your career growth. The possibilities are immense and the only need is too attain a course which serves a lot with lot of opportunities and professional growth. The future is yours and now its your turn to turn it into reality. Its a great career option which designates the authority to work in an organizational structure which in turn gives you good professional growth.
DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support.